CBD is known to possibly help people with many ailments, from seizures to anxiety, but did you know it might also help dogs? If your dog has any issues listed below, CBD Oil is sure to help them live a healthier lifestyle. Today, I am going to speak through what CBD oil can do to help your dog.
Many veterinarians have begun to make findings as regards how the CBD drug can be utilized for the health care of dogs, and this has led to a few research studies on the topic. It must be noted that the surveys and researches of the use of CBD for dogs show great potential for the treatment of anxiety, phobia, pain and inflammation, and skin issues.
There are so many reasons why dogs suffer from anxiety, and this is not totally peculiar to any dog at all. As a matter of fact, there are common factors that could lead to the anxiety of a dog, and this includes a new environment, separation, loud noise, changes in its daily routine and a lot more.
In prior times people have made use of CBD for the treatment of some of their wellness issues, but this soon changed in recent times as people now count on CBD for the treatment of their pet needs. On the Google search list, it has been noted that thousands of people have begun looking for options for their dogs because they now understand the impact of CBD on the lives of living things.
OK, so you've decided to try a new regime when it comes to chill out and relax time. So now it's time to decide what CBD products are best for your loved one. There are many products on the market, but due to inconsistency of some products - we have decided to give you the low down on some of the best selling CBD products for you dog which include;
Wellness Dog Treats (30g) |
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Hownd Hemp will keep your dog coming back for more, with 5 different flavors having it's own blend of ingredients which can have benefit for your dog. Suitable for all ages, and made in the UK with locally sourced ingredients. Allow up to 1-5 treats per day, depending on the size of your dog. |
Koi CBD Full Spectrum CBD Spray (60ml) |
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Koi CBD introduced the full-spectrum CBD oil spray available to purchase in 60ml bottles. Full Spectrum CBD offers the full benefits of the Hemp plant with added nutrients and extra added natural terpenes and effects to use as a propreitary blend on your dog food or directly into your pets mouth. Available in a 60ml dropper bottle with 500mg CBD. With extra piece of mind knowing no chemical or pesticide residue, harvested in the USA and formulated by veterinarians. |
CBDFX Hemp Oil for Pets (30ml Up to 600mg CBD) |
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CBDFX are a market leader when it comes to CBD oil products producing high quality products from premium grade ingredients. After releasing Hemp Oil for Pets, an official collection just for your pets, we needed to add this one to the collection. Available in 30ml dropper bottles and two strengths including (150mg for smaller breeds or up to 600mg for larger breeds). |
The number of people seeking CBD for their dogs is steadily increasing with cannabidiol for pets looking to be the next big boom in sales.
CBD oil has previously been shown to treat seizures. This also works for dogs who suffer from epilepsy and seizures, and many owners are trying it. Research show’s that CBD reduces the frequency of seizures over time, and, in some cases, get rid of the seizures altogether for some patients.
Even dogs get arthritis, which is an inflammation of the joints causing aching, pains and other illnesses. CBD has the potential to relieve pain targeting the joints and giving the dog relief. It calms the chronic inflammation that prevents the dog from properly healing.
It isn't easy to know why your dog has lost its appetite, but most of the time, it is due to nausea. CBD may help reduce the digestion issue and provide pain relief.
Anxiety is no fun, and, it’s the same with dogs. Many dogs suffer from anxiety and can be depressed and extremely anxious in certain situations, like when the owner leaves. This can result in destructive behaviours. CBD is a relaxing stimulant that might help to calm pets.
Dogs can get cancer too, which can be spotted by symptoms of nausea, loss of appetite and chronic pain. CBD may help to comfort the pet during this time and helps to reduce side effects. Pet owners giving their dogs small daily doses of CBD may help prevent and kill cancer.
Most diseases in dogs have the same types of symptoms, chronic pain, nausea, loss of appetite, and changes in behaviour. CBD has the potential to help humans and dogs by reducing anxiety, lowering stress, and aiding sleep, which together can reduce pain.
There is currently no scientific data on the side effects of giving CBD to dogs. But there are potential effects based on how it affects humans.
Research has found that CBD can reduce saliva production. For dogs, this would result in increased thirst.
High doses of CBD have also been known to cause a temporary drop in blood pressure. Though the drop is small, it can create a feeling of lightheadedness.
The calming effect of CBD used to treat anxiety, can also cause slight drowsiness, especially when higher doses are used.
There are many ways to give dogs CBD, but the best is tinctures so that you can give it to the dog a drop at a time.
Below is a guide of the three different dosage strengths you can use to help you dose your human CBD oil for your dog.
- 0.05mg CBD x 0.5kg of body weight (low)
- 0.125mg CBD x 0.5kg of body weight (mid)
- 0.25mg CBD x 0.5kg of body weight (high)
Buy some CBD today to help your dog, and have a good day!